Jul 7, 2023Liked by lydialauer

Lydia, I loved this post so much and appreciate your candor! I too am consistently hearing, "appreciate this now", "it all goes so fast" and at times it can be hella annoying! BUT more recently, I am relishing in this "motherhood" moment. Raf is in pre-school & Bruno is in daycare - this is the first summer with this set up and it quickly came upon us that we would have one of them at home for 3 weeks between the end of June & beginning of July. In place of continuing to stay home and try and work we opted for a change: change in scenery, hosting a guest, & I even opted in for Janet Jackson! With my MIL passing the end of last year I've found comfort in the craziness that is life, because this is all we get right?!

Parenthood is a lot of f*cking work but it's also all so great and a privilege that not all get to experience, especially with the flexibility. I try to hold that close.

Thanks again for the honesty. <3

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thank you for reading & commenting Jess. Your hands are full and you are doing great xx

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